Add Tunes Form

Share your musical unicorns! Curators, use this form to recommend playlist tracks for Gehlee, UNIS, and EverAfters to enjoy.

Welcome, Future Playlist Curator!

You're just three simple steps away from becoming a Gehlee Tunes Playlist Curator. Follow these steps carefully to ensure your submission shines:

Step 1: Explore Our Tunes Page 🔍

Before you submit, take a moment to dive into what’s already on our playlists.

  • Check for duplicates: Is the album or song you want to submit already featured?
  • Feel the vibe: Read through the "Curator's Notes" on existing entries. This will help you understand the tone and style we love.
  • Ask yourself: Does your recommendation align with the playlist's journey and mood?

Step 2: Follow Submission Guidelines ✅

To keep things smooth and fun for everyone, here are our golden rules:

  • Respect Gehlee’s time: Every submission might be listened to by Gehlee, so make it count!*
  • Albums vs. Singles: Only submit full albums if every track is a gem that takes us on a journey. Otherwise, stick to single songs.
  • Keep it family-friendly: Avoid submissions with excessive swearing or gratuitous themes. We aim for inclusivity and good vibes.
  • Your Curator’s Note matters: Alongside your submission, include a short paragraph about what this tune means to you. This personal touch makes every entry special!

*A quick note: While we like to think Gehlee will eventually hear every submission, we can't promise it—after all, we're not affiliated with Gehlee, her management, or F&F Entertainment. That said, your tunes are likely to reach other EverAfters and maybe even some UNIS members. So share your best and let the magic unfold!

Step 3: Submit Your Tunes 🎵

Now that you're ready, scroll down to fill out the form below! Share your picks and tell us why they belong in our playlists.

Thank You for Sharing Your Magic! 🪄🌈

Your contribution helps Gehlee Tunes grow into a treasure trove of unforgettable musical moments. We can’t wait to hear what you’ve got!

Tunes Submission Form

All fields marked with an *asterisk are required

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28 🕊️

Just a Friendly Disclaimer! 📢 is a fan site created by fans, for fans! We’re all about celebrating Gehlee Dangca and her incredible music taste, but we want to make it clear that we’re not affiliated with Gehlee, her management team, or F&F Entertainment. We also don’t own any of the music or content featured here. We simply love it and want to share it with you! If you come across any content that doesn’t sit right with you, please reach out to us — we're here to listen!

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